What days and times are you available?

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9-5 ET

Tuesday & Friday 9-3 ET

Do you take insurance?

No, I do not take insurance.

How often and how long are counseling sessions?

Meeting once a week is ideal, especially in the beginning of the process. Each session is 50 minutes.

How long does the counseling process take?

The counseling process usually takes 8-12 months, sometimes longer when necessary.

What about emergency or crisis care?

Pam O’Gwin Counseling is not equipped for emergency crisis care. The traditional recommendations for suicidal clients involve psychiatric or medical care. If this becomes apparent in the counseling process, the client will be referred appropriately.

Who can pursue counseling?

Individuals 18 and older who wish to pursue healing from the past to be free to live in peace in the present, by receiving the abundant life God has designed for them.

Who can pursue coaching?

Individuals 18 and older who are looking for help in making decisions for current decisions or future plans.

What is the cost for sessions?

The fee for counseling or coaching is $65.00 a session. Payment methods include Paypal, Zelle, and credit or debit cards.

How do I schedule an appointment?

If you are ready to book an appointment, please call 470.296.0664 or submit a request here