Are you ready to be free from the past?

Whether it is healing from past wounds or moving through life challenges and reaching goals, I would be honored to walk with you on your journey as God directs our paths.

Is counseling right for you?

Are you struggling with disappointments that keep you from living a life of peace and contentment? If so, maybe counseling is right for you. We understand that we all have challenges in the past that impact our present lives. Many of us are looking for ways to have better relationships and experience more peace. By discovering the beliefs you have about life, yourself, and God and then seeing the way God meant for your life to be - you can be set free to live out your best life. It is our mission to partner with you as you allow God to transform fear, defeat, and confusion, into peace, joy, and contentment.

Counseling is available for individuals and couples 18 or older.


50 mins |  $65 

“Love, Acceptance, Worth and Security are not to be defined by my performance or the opinions of others, but only by my Creator and Redeemer.”